Home In previous issues Say anything you like about me, but spell my name right!

Say anything you like about me, but spell my name right!

Sir Zinedine PZHK [sp] (Zinedine KWPN - Selavie L PZHK [sp] / Che Guevara L [Holst] - Leszno 2021)

By Ewa Jakubowska / PZHK
Photography: Katarzyna Wiszowaty

The author of the statement used as this article title is an American, Phineas Taylor Barnum, who lived in the 19th century and was in favour of publicising specific issues as the most effective model of public relations.

And, although PR tools and techniques have changed, and we still sometimes use the phrase: ‘Say anything you like about me, but spell my name right,’... A little perversely as the imperative of using the right name is still of fundamental importance, especially when we want this name to be known and generally recognised. So, we decided to raise this topic guided by the need to organise the multitude of terms used for Polish Sport Horses.
The Polish Horse Breeders Association (PZHK) tracks international sport results of Polish horses in official sport, breeding organisations websites, journals, etc., and we encounter many mistakes in their reporting and recording. It is of great importance to us to promote one common brand associated unambiguously with Poland, and that is not facilitated by applying different denominations of the Polish studbook.
PZHK is the issuer of passports for all horses in Poland except Trakehners, Trotters, Shetland ponies, Thorouhgbreds, and pure-bred Arabs. We are in charge of the studbooks for nine breeds, including three members of WBFSH: Małopolska (m), Wielkopolska (wlkp) and Polish Sport Horse (sp). Polish horses should be registered under one studbook name ‘PZHK’ and one of nine breeds, according to the information in the passport. For example a proper breeding record should read as follows:
NEVADOS S PZHK (sp) (Calvados Z Z - Nestia PZHK (sp) / Romualdo KWPN)
SIR ZINEDINE PZHK (sp) (Zinedine KWPN - Selavie L PZHK (sp) / Che Guevara L hol.)
Such an entry is not only obligatory or consistent with good practice, but also crucial for us due to the recognition of PZHK in the world. It is also compliant with [European Commission] regulations.
We would like to refer to the following regulations: According to Article 6, Paragraph 2 of the CounciI Directive 90/427/EEC of 26 June 1990 on the zootechnical and genealogical conditions governing intra-Community trade in equidae, where the constitution of the organisations or associations so permits:
(...) the original name of the animal may be preceded or followed by another name on a provisional or permanent basis, provided that throughout the animals life the original name is retained in brackets and that the country of birth is indicated by means of the initial(s) recognized by international agreements (...)’... To read the complete article you need to be a subscriber