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Coming auctions

End dateName of auction Website# of horses
5 OctoberOldenburg Fall elite auctionLinkUnknown
6 OctoberWestfalen online auction - youngstersCollection15
7 OctoberGoresbridge - 3yo showjumpers and eventersLinkUnknown
11 OctoberHannoerian Elite and foal auctionLink30
12 OctoberGoresbridge - broodmare and foal yearling salesLinkUnknown
13 OctoberCornet Obolensky youngsters auctionCollection27
13 OctoberKWPN online foal auctionCollection40
15 OctoberThe youngsters auction (NetherlandsLink23
17 October2024 Fall Classic breeders sale - (CWHBA)Collection53
24 OctoberGoresbridge - sport horse performance salesLink29
25 OctoberHolsteiner Elite auction 2024Collection29
30 OctoberLadies des Forets auction - young mares and broodmaresCollectionUnknown
1 NovemberFive star auction - youngsters and sporthorsesLinkUnknown
11 NovemberGrand Prix sales - embryos and maresLinkUnknown
19 NovemberZangersheide auction - embryos and broodmaresCollectionUnknown
13 NovemberGoresbridge - go for gold event horse saleLinkUnknown
6 DecemberGoresbridge - sport horse prformance saleLinkUnknown
7 DecemberPaardeveiling online auction - young showjumpersLinkUnknown
7 DecemberP.S.I. auction XLVLinkUnknown
8 DecemberOldenburg auction - 12th special auctionLinkUnknown
19 NovemberZangersheide auction - young horsesCollectionUnknown
Breeding News for Sport Horses