If eventers could design themselves…

By Judy Wardrope Photography: Judy Wardrope The equine eventer contemplating its ultimate design has a lot to consider. The sport is demanding and requires more...

Some mothers do have them! Or do they?

By Christopher Hector Photography: Peter Llewellyn What makes a good broodmare...? When you get two of Europe’s most respected breeders of jumping horses who have...

BWP foal championship

By Jo de Roo Photography: Jo de Roo Special Agent Amour, Franziskus, Urano de Cartigny, Catoki, and Casino Grande, all suppliers of the foal champions...

Top level still selling well

By Aurélie Covini The upward trend in the marketplace reported in the previous quarter continues. More than 30 public sales took place from April to...

CWHBA: Unique approach to pedigree traceback

By CWHBA/Chris Gould Old-world bloodlines are at home in Canada as Canadian Warmblood horses, registered in Canada, trace their pedigrees to a select few influential...

Summer events in Vechta

By Oldenberger Pferdezuchtverband/Tobias Hemken Photography: Beelitz and LL-Foto On Thursday, July 19, the Oldenburg Elite Broodmare Show will be held in Rastede’s Schlosspark. Everyone is...