Home Auctions Successful first Holsteiner Winter Chance sale

Successful first Holsteiner Winter Chance sale

Eight-year-old Casaltino (Casall - Palida x Carthago) ridden by Rolf-Göran Bengtsson

By Adriana van Tilburg
Photography: Janne Bugtrup

For the first time, the Holsteiner Verband held an auction where they sold 71 of their own horses. They varied in the age from two to eight years, and most had been selected as foals but failed to attend the approvals for diverse reasons. An interesting observation from several people was that the quality of the horses was very good.

One breeder even stretched so far as to say; “For me, the quality here is even better than what I saw on average at the latest approvals. These horses have not been trained for months to be prepared for this.” It will be very interesting indeed to follow the career of these horses, bearing in mind that Quel Homme de Hus (Quidam de Revel - P-Hawaii x Candillo, Stamm 4847, bred by Dr. Andreas Kosicki) was also purchased as a foal by Norbert Boley on behalf of the Holsteiner Verband. He wasn’t approved, was sold to France, and, to date, his best result was winning the team gold medal with Belgium at the European championships in Rotterdam in 2019!
There were many familiar faces at the sale, in other words customers who atteneded this first Holstein Winter Chance in the Elmshorn Fritz Thiedemann Hall. But also new customers had found their way across the Elbe to secure a Holsteiner. A total of 70 horses, from international level down to the age of two, came from the holdings of the Holsteiner Verband Marketing and Auction GmbH and the Holsteiner Verband Hengsthaltungs GmbH. They were for sale and auctioneered by auctioneer Hendrik Schulze-Rückamp at an average price of €16,264 to customers from Chile, Denmark, Germany, France, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Sweden, Switzerland, Slovakia, Thailand and Hungary. “We were not only highly satisfied with the auction,” said auction manager Roland Metz. “Above all, we were delighted, of course, at the 100-percent sales rate.”..To read the complete article you need to be a subscriberCLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE TO BREEDING NEWS