Home News flash Philipp Klingbeil leaves Westfalian Studbook

Philipp Klingbeil leaves Westfalian Studbook


Philipp Klingbeil (32) has resigned his position with the Westfalian studbook during his probationary period as breeding manager for personal reasons, and will officially leave his office at the end of the month. The board appointed marketing manager Thomas Münch (36) will become the provisional breeding manager on Wednesday evening (May 13).

Ralf Johanshon, chairman of the studbook said; “We accept the decision with great regret and respect and have agreed to it by mutual agreement. Philipp Klingbeil is a very experienced horse breeding who deserves great professional and personal trust. We wish him every success and all the best in his future. ”

The 32-year-old horse and agricultural scientist with a Master of Sciene degree from the University of Göttingen was appointed as the new breeding manager in November 2019 and took up his post on January 1, 2020. Previously, he been an assistant to the Saxon Stud administration at the Graditz headquarters in Torgau for two years.

Marketing manager and auctioneer Thomas Münch (36), who had already fulfilled the role of interim breeding manager last year, will now take over this position again temporarily, allowing the board time to clarify their current breeding management circumstances.