Home News flash New chairman for DSP

New chairman for DSP

Carsten Grill with mare and foal (Photo: D. Matthaes)

When Karl-Heinz Bange completes his tenture as chairman of the working group of the South German Horse Breeding Associations – the second largest breeding association in Germany – his place will be occupied by Carsten Grill (46), a tax advisor and auditor who is a partner in an auditing and tax consulting company in Stuttgart.

At home Grill runs a successful hobby horse breeding business with his wife and two children in Eislingen (Baden-Württemberg). He currently has five mares in active breeding, three Warmbloods, one Thoroughbred, and one riding pony. He has, however been a figurehead in breeding with licensed stallions and award-winning mares, including Dallas (Don Diamond x Damon Hill), a premium stallion of the DSP Stallion Days who won several international Grand Prix tests with Nicole Casper and Jill de Ridder.

As a passionate rider with successes in dressage up to two-star Medium level and in versatility tests up to one-star VS, Grill has also proven himself in competitive sport. He also presents an exceptional track record in volunteer work, being a board member of the Baden-Württemberg horse breeding association, chairman of the horse breeding club Göppingen-Geislingen, and various other equestrian management positions.

Karl-Heinz Bange said, "I announced four years ago that this would be my last term of office, but of course I will be at hand to help my successor get started."

Carsten Grill was elected during a digital board meeting of DSP, and will be confirmed during their AGM in March, with the plan that Grill will also stand for a seat on the board of the FN breeding department when elections fall due in 2021.