Home News flash Sensational price for DSP champion stallion Benicio

Sensational price for DSP champion stallion Benicio

DSP champion stallion Benicio sold for €630,000 (Photo: Björn Schroeder)

The 18th edition of the German Sport Horse (DSP) Stallion Days concluded with a sensational auction result when the champion stallion, Benicio (Don Diamond), went under the hammer following 90 exciting minutes of bidding for €630,000 to a German horse-racing family. It's planned that his training will now be taken over by the Schöffner dressage stable in Löningen. Benicio was bred and exhibited by Franz Galneder.

Early in this online dressage auction another bidding duel resulted in Helgstrand Dressage acquiring a strong-moving bay son Asgard's Ibiza, out of a Sunny Boy dan, bred by Irene Bayer for €300,000.

A premium stallion by Zackerey x Don Juan de Hus, bred by ZG Böddeker-Seitz changed hands for €206,000 and will now be moving to the Brinkmann station in the Netherlands, well above the average price of €111,911 for the licensed stallions sold. Meanwhile, unlicensed stallions could be acquired for an average price of €24,571.

According to auction manager Fritz Fleischmann the result was, "Simply sensational. The best auction result of our Stallion Days, so far. It's been a tough two weeks for the DSP. Thanks to our strong community, we were able to master all the challenges."

Managing director Heike Blessing-Maurer concluded: "A big thank you goes to everyone who supported us in order to achieve this great result together."