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I’m Special for Holsteiner

Approved: Legorado (Legolas - Rebecca II x Acorado I, Stamm 8798) Photo: Janne Bugtrup

GERMANY (by Adriana van Tilburg) The Holsteiner Verband held their traditional April approvals where both young and older stallions have the chance to be licensed. Stallions with foreign blood also have the opportunity to be accepted for the outside blood improvement program.

Thirteen stallions were presented in the Fritz-Thiedemann- Halle in Elmshorn with five of them receiving a positive judgement from the stallion approvals committee. Breeding director Dr. Thomas Nissen noted “We have seen very good jumping stallions. It was also interesting that the relatively young stallion Cannavaros (Cassini I - Larissa XII x Contender, Stamm 4507) is sire to a newly approved stallion Canvaro (out of Venetia I x Con Air, Stamm 1571).”

Caretino (Caletto II - Isidor x Metellus, Stamm 826) died in 2011, but presented a son, Cartiano, from a very famous branch of Stamm 104a. His mother Ofarim I (Carolus I - Ofarim x Rasputin) is half-sister to the approved stallion Conteur (Contender) and her half-sister Bravo (Reichsgraf) produced the approved stallions Caretano (Caretino) who jumped at 1.60m with Jos Lansink, Cassito (Cassiano), Contendro I and II (Contender). A full sister to Bravo, Exita VII, produced the approved  Holsteiner stallion Caballo (Coriano) who jumped at 1m60 with Helen Mc-Naught (GBR)...