Home News flash Final Westfalian foal auctions brings season to a close

Final Westfalian foal auctions brings season to a close

No 3 Captain America (Chat Botte du Ruisseau Z x Kannan) Photo: Reckimedia

The online foal season in Münster-Handorf is entering its final phase with just two more online foal auctions scheduled for September 6 and 13. The current collection includes 23 young prospects for the dressage and showjumping arenas, and bids can be placed online as of today. The final BidUp will start as usual on Monday evening, September 6, at 7.30 pm.

The promising collection is opened by the Vaderland x Fidertanz son Versace B (breeder: ZG Butkus, Overath). His dam is a full sister to Flanagan, the former champion stallion of the Westphalian Main Licensing. The successful For Romance son For Dance is a half-brother to this dam St.Pr.St. Francine B. The line-up of foals predispositioned for jumping is opened by a highly interesting young talent. Captain America (breeder: Nico Schulpen, Netherlands) is a son of Chat Botte du Ruisseau Z/Kannan. He descends from the Holsterner Stamm 18A1, one of the most valuable dam lines in the world. An attractive stallion prospect for higher tasks.

The entire collection can be viewed with photos, videos and veterinary examination reports at onlineauction.westfalenpferde.de. Bids can be placed from today until September 6.