Home Auctions Cornet Obolensky back on top!

Cornet Obolensky back on top!


The late arrival of the results of the Tops International auction have resulted in Cornet Obolensky jumping back to the top of the satllion rankings for September.

The sale of the 2015 stallion, Rolensky MVNZ, sired by Cornet Obolensky, for the massive sum of €1,900,000 guaranteed the number one spot. The Tops auction resulted in three €1 million + sales. In addition to Rolensky MVNZ, Valenzio (Vahabond de la Pomme) also sold for €1,900,000 and Marco Monet (Irco Mena, broughtthe hammer down at €1,000,000

In total just 12 horses brought in a value of €6,422,000 making this the second most valuable auction of the year so far.

For full details of the Tops International auction click here