Home Auctions September auctions roundup

September auctions roundup


With the end of the September cycle of autions there is a change at the top of the stallion rankings. Cornet Obolensky, who has been the top selling site since the beginning of the year has been diplaced by Gino H who sired Gin Fliip de Muze who sold at the Equibreeding live and online sales for the huge sum of €5,000,000.

This brings Gino H's total sales for 2023 to €5,204,500, well ahead of Cornet Obolensky on €4,350,560 and Chacco-Blue on €3,682,240

14 stallions have now sired more than €1 million in auction sales this year.

(Note that these totals only inclde those auctins that publish the results of their sales)

To see the full results of auctions click here