Home Auctions Record-breaking prices at two SWB Elite Foal Auctions

Record-breaking prices at two SWB Elite Foal Auctions

The colt Bijou (Be Sure - Tiara (SWB)x Totilas)

By Ellinor Andersson / Hillevi Brasch / SWB
Photography: Ardea Foto/My Häger, Cissi Hallqvist, SWB

During the 2022 SWB Equestrian Weeks, the 15th SWB Elite Foal Auction was held and this year all previous price records were broken in both auctions, with Bijou (SWB), a dressage- bred colt, bred and sold by Maria Hedvall, selling for €67,000.

The SWB Elite Foal Auction broke its own record two weeks in a row with prices a breeder could only dream of.
This year, the SWB Elite Foal Auction took place for the 15th consecutive year. The auction featuring showjumping foals proved to be a record-breaking event with the filly Comitissa de Chacoon F (SWB) by Chaccon Blue out of Contessa (SWB), by Orlando, bred and sold by Eva Gudmundsson, selling for the hammer price of €72,000.
The dressage foal auction featured Bijou (SWB) a colt by Be Sure, out of Tiara (SWB) by former dressage World Champion Totilas, bred and sold by Maria Hedvall, that fetched the record-breaking price of €67 000.
A total of 24 foals were sold for a total turnover of €334,500 at the showjumping auction, with an average price of just under €14,000 per foal. At the dressage foal auction a total of 27 foals were sold for just above €379 000, with an average price of just over €14 000 per foal.
“We are so happy that we ventured into organizing a hybrid auction featuring both bidding on-site and online this year,” says Helén Uddefors, CEO of SWB. She continues: “It took a lot of hard work to prepare and set all the details, but with this outcome two weeks in a row, it definitely was worth it, and it feels fantastic. It is a true testament to the skills of our Swedish breeders, producing horses of absolute top European quality, with consistent, outstanding, perform-ance-oriented mare lines,” she concludes.
The following week it was time for the showjumping foals, where Comitissa de Chacoon F (SWB), a filly bred and sold by Eva Gudmundsson fetched the fantastic price of €72,000. We decided to have a chat with the two record holding breeders.
First, Eva Gudmundsson, Flemminge Gård & Fölfabriken – Comitissa de Chacoon F (SWB) by Chaccon Blue out of Contessa (SWB) by Orlando, and Contessa (SWB) by Orlando out of Chiara, by Contender, bred by Magnus Österlund

Eva Gudmundsson

Q For how long have you been breeding horses, Eva?
My whole life. I am the fourth generation to breed Warmblood horses so it’s in my blood. In comparing then versus now, there is a big difference in both how we select stallions and in the mare material. I always feel like I don’t have enough mares in my breeding program, there is always some additional stallion I would like to try. Breeding horses has become harder, but in a positive way.

Q How did your build your network of contacts?
It is about staying vigilant and on top of things, going to various events, and talking to people. It can be anything from calling stallion owners, talking to mare owners, to visiting the Elite Foal Auction. Even if we don’t sell anything at the Auction, I can still say that we have profited from participating because new contacts have been made and those are priceless. Social media is also important, and it’s imperative to realize that the job doesn’t do itself. It takes many years to build and develop... To read the complete article you need to be a subscriber