Home News flash Brazilian Sport Horse XV National Festival

Brazilian Sport Horse XV National Festival

(Photo: Anna Carvalho)

From November 10-15th, the Clube Hípico de Santo Amaro, in São Paulo, will open its gates to welcome the entries and some public to the XV National Festival of the Brazilian Sport Horse. In 2020, the organizaters are expecting more than 500 horses to circle the arena between exhibitions, showjumping, presentations, and an exclusive breed auction.

The event's agenda is full of activities that range from foal presentations, stallion and mare approvals, national free jumping competition, as well as the 'BH for the future' auction of super prospects and also embryos. The catalogue will be online from November 13.

In jumping, the public will be able to closely follow the tests for young horses from four to eight years of age, as well as the best products from each ABCCH/BH regional show, as well as other tests alongside those exclusively reserved for BH horses or those with an ABCCH issued pedigree or import registration.

The majority of Brazilian Sport Horses descend from the most important European lines of jumping and dressage horses, such as Hanoverianon, Holsteiner, Oldenburger, Trakehner, Westfalian and Selle Français.

Be part of this great Brazilian Sport Horse event as our special guest.

Contact: Roberta Milani – assessoria@brasileirohipismo.com.br
