Home News flash Diverse collection for online 16th Westfalian Summer Auction

Diverse collection for online 16th Westfalian Summer Auction

Faible (Fürstenball x Ehrentusch) Photo: Guido Recki

The Westfälisches Pferdestammbuch e.V. 16th summer auction will feature a high quality yet diverse collection of horses. Young dressage talents, experienced jumping aspirants, or a top partner for the hunter or leisure field, the collection has the right horse for every ambition.

The auction will open with the Fürstenball x Ehrentusch daughter Faible (bred byHeinz Rudde, Gronau-Epe). A dressage horse with strong movements that will make hearts flutter, this bay mare is equipped with a lot of tact and high rideability values.

The following-on auction of 10 showjumpers will begin with #37 – the stunning black Dibadu L x Cornet Obolensky daughter (bred by ZG Dammann/Graf, Ascheberg) who is not only impressive because of her appearance. Under the saddle of Marie Ligges, the mare won a qualification test for the Bundeschampionat last year. Her natural caution, safe assessment and an impressive jumping routine make this six-year-old a highly interesting offer in this lot.

The auction horses move into their boxes today, Tuesday, June 2, at the Westfälisches Pferdezentrum in Münster-Handorf. From tomorrow onwards they can be tried out by individual appointment, and online bidding will commence on June 9 at 9:00 a.m. CET, and will end on Sunday, June 14.

According to marketing manager Thomas Münch, "We are very pleased that both our breeders and our customers have such great confidence in us. Only through this trust can our online auctions be so successful."