Home News flash New licensing commissioners for Hannoveraner Verband

New licensing commissioners for Hannoveraner Verband

Markus Beerbaum (left) alongside Hanoverian breeding director, Ulrich Hahne (Photo: HV)

Following a meeting at the end of last week, the Hannoveraner Verband has announced that their licensing commission will, for the first time, make discipline-based decisions in two groups. For this purpose, dressage rider Hannes Baumgart and international showjumper Markus Beerbarm will join their ranks.

Henceforth, instead of judging all stallions together with the breeding board, the new commissioners will exclusively focus on the youngsters within their own area of expertise. Only breeding director Ulrich Hahne and Martin Spoo, as the representative of the District Association of North Rhine-Westphalia, will participate in the licensing of all stallions.

Hannes Baumgart was newly appointed to the licensing commission by the board, along with Heike Kemmer and Hans-Heinrich Meyer zu Strohen. "For me the appointment to the licensing commission closes a circle," says Hannes Baumgart. "With my family I have prepared many stallions over the years, then I was a guest rider at stallion performance tests for a long time. I therefore see my appointment to the licensing commission as recognition of my work, and I am very pleased about that."

Also from the Verden area, team world and European champion, Markus Beerbaum, will now devote himself to young stallions alongside Martin Klintworth and Jörg Münzner, and relishes his new task: "The Hannoveraner horses are close to my heart, because Meredith and I celebrated our greatest successes on Hannoveraner horses. I am therefore very pleased to have the opportunity to be involved in the development of the Hannoveraner show jumper in the future".