Home News flash New Manager for Baden-Württemberg

New Manager for Baden-Württemberg

Norbert Freistedt
Norbert Freistedt

Norbert Freistedt, who has overseen their marketing since the beginning of 2019, has now taken over as the new manager of the Pferdezuchtverband Baden-Württemberg e.V., and started in his new role at the beginning of the New Year. The 42-year-old agriculture engineer has had great experience in the horse world. From 2002, he was manager of the former Sachsen e.V. Horse Asociation Sachsen, mostly responsible for the merge into today’s association Sachsen-Thüringen, for which he worked until the end of 2013. From 2014 he was self-employed with his partner Julia Schmid in the breeding, training, and sales of sport horses. He has also been riding mostly young horses with great success. Alongside his management role, he will also remain responsible for the Bad-Wü marketing of sport horses. also riding mostly young horses with many successes. Besides his management scales he will also stay responsible for the marketing of the sport horses.