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Wind blowing from the west

Donna Neva S (MJT Nevados S - Donwelta S x Weltstein [Hann])

By Agata Grosicka
Photography: Anna Przybyl

The Cavaliada Show which took place in Poznan, Poland, on December 1, hosted the second national Warmblood championship in free jumping. The show has been organized for many years and is, undoubtedly, the biggest indoor horse event in the country. The venue is also the site of the Poznan International Fair, which brings together equestrian fans, professionals, riders, breeders and exhibitors for a four-day fiesta.

Last year, the Polish Association of Horse Breeders launched this national Warmblood championship in free jumping, which replaced the Warmblood Horse Auction they had previously organized. Why the sudden change of format? Frankly speaking, because the auction was not a huge success in terms of horses sold during the event, unlike the sales organized by private breeders, such as the  Baborowko Autumn Auction or the Cichon Foal Auction which proved that more effort generates better results!
Organizing free-jumping championships during the Poznan Cavaliada Show was a very good decision in terms of its popularity. Arena B where the championships took place, was packed with spectators, including potential buyers for the presented horses, some coming from Germany as Poznan is the most western of the Cavaliada cities. There were also a number of Polish and foreign riders looking for fresh blood, as well as would-be investors or families enjoying this free-jumping spectacle.
The jury, led by Bogdan Kuchejda, chairman of the Silesian branch of the Polish Association of Horse Breeders, judged the horses in two age-group categories for two- and three-year-olds.

Donna Neva S – 3yo winner

Not surprisingly the winner of the three-year-old category was a beautiful and elegant chestnut mare Donna Neva S (MJT Nevados S - Donwelta S x Weltstein [Hann]) bred by Stanislaw Szurik and owned by Eliza Chylinska- Karpus. The judges valued her “smart eye”, power and wisdom when jumping. She received 8.40 for conformation, 8.00 for canter and 8.90 for jumping.
Her sire, MJT Nevados S sp (Calvados Z - Nestia S x Romualdo) is currently the most recognizable and best Polish-bred showjumping horse. A seven-year-old winner of the World Breeding Championship with Belgium’s Gregory Wathelet, and frequent competitor in international Grand Prix competitions, the pair finished third in the Longines Global Championship Prague Play-offs just before Christmas. It’s no wonder that his semen has now become extremely popular among Polish breeders. In this same age-group, MJT Nevados was represented by two other offspring.
The three-year-old runner-up was also a mare – Kola wlkp (Coupie [Westf] - Kolina x Calvados Z) bred and owned by the Dobrzyniewo Horse Stud. The judges valued her correct trot and willingness to attack the obstacles.
Third place went to the stallion Favorinos S (MJT Nevados  S - Faworytka S x Johnny Boy II [SF]) bred and owned by the Szurik family. A powerful horse with a good trot and canter, a bit stiff in the corners, but not afraid of obstacles...CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE TO BREEDING NEWS