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Swedish YB embracing community and education

The Swedish team with their mascots

By Michaela Swärd / IYB
Photography: Michaela Swärd

Swedish Young Breeders was founded in 2007 and is aimed towards everyone under the age of 26 who is interested in breeding. Swedish Young Breeders has developed enormously over the years and now provides regular training sessions and meetings interspersed with competition opportunities.

The most important thing about Swedish Young Breeders is to have fun, feel community, and share knowledge and experiences. No previous knowledge or experience is required to be part of Swedish Young Breeders, the most important thing is a burning interest in horses and a willingness to learn. Together, we strive to make all young people feel welcome into the world of breeding. Swedish Young Breeders is financed by funds from the Swedish Horse Industry Foundation (HNS). HNS is a co-ordinating organisation that works with, and for, the Swedish equine sector.
The HNS is financed by funds from the Swedish Trotting Association and the Swedish Horseracing Authority through an agreement with the Swedish government. This provides opportunities for the Swedish Young Breeders to carry out larger and broader activities and training sessions. The Swedish Young Breeders has a board of ten members, where the chairman is also a member of the board of the Swedish Warmblood Association. The board’s tasks are to plan and organise Swedish Young Breeders' activities and events together with SWB’s youth manager, Michaela Swärd. Michaela is employed by SWB and works 50% of her time with youth activities. She supports the work and is involved in all planning and implementation of all the various activities and trainings.

Swedish Young Breeders Cup

A project that started in 2014 and has grown bigger over the years is the Swedish Young Breeders Cup. The project consists of a training day at secondary schools all around Sweden, where the students get to try judging in free jumping and conformation as well as showing horses in hand, all supervised by some of SWB’s most experienced judges. The purpose of the cup is to create an interest and increase the understanding of breeding for the young students as well as give them an insight to SWB’s activities. It is also a great opportunity to attract more members to join Swedish Young Breeders regular activities during the year. The schools participating in the training days also have the opportunity to participate in a final which takes place in springtime, where the schools compete against each other. The students then compete in a theory test, grooming, conformation, and free jumping judging and showing horses in hand. The finals allow the students to get together, and the days usually contribute to a lot of laughter, new acquaintances, and lots of new and valuable horse knowledge... To read the complete article you need to be a subscriber