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SWB Elite foals

Theresa Nilshagen meets her crowd-funded foal, Portofino (Ph: Thunholm)

SWEDEN (by Hillevi Brasch) The Swedish Warmblood Elite foal auction celebrated its 10th anniversary with a lovely collection of 35 foals, selected by a committee: “It’s the best collection to date.” The jumper foals especially caught buyers’ eyes and prices reflected the increased interest.

Foals in the catalogue had been carefully selected, with good pedigrees that featured performance and suprior dam lines, and the event was certainly an interational affair, with buyers from several different countries.

In terms of influential sires, young jumping stallion Kan- natol (Kannan x Stakkatol) was represented by three foals, and full brothers For Romance I and II each had two. The whole collection sold for a total of €470,000 with an average price per foal of €14,000. However, the top price was paid for the Revolution dressage colt, Radius, out of Womathika M x OO Seven, bred by Lena Nyström, purchased by Danish dressage rider Andreas Hel- gstrand for €32,000.

The top selling jumping foal, Main River (Cornet Obolen- sky - Main Quiz Asp x Nintender), bred by Anders Johansson, sold for €27,000 to well-known Swedish dressage rider and trainer Jan Brink, who went on a small shopping spree adding a total of three jumping foals by Comme il Faut x Emmerton, Catch x Casall and Cornet Obolensky x Nintender, plus one dressage foal by Glamourdale x Schwadroneur to his barn...