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St. Lô stallion salon

Diamant de Semilly meets his son Diarado

FRANCE (by Adriana van Tilburg) The ‘Salon des Etalons’ is a three-day event that shows a collection of French Trotters, Warmblood stallions and ponies – an unprecedented stallion presentaton in one weekend, as far as I’m aware. The environment of the show was also special and the atmosphere thrilling.

Breeders attended from throughout France, as well as from Germany, Belgium, Ireland and England, plus some 5,000 enthusiastic spectators. I had the impression that stallion owners were kept ver y busy selling services. This was THE moment for breeders to exchange information with stallion owners.

A total of 146 stallions presented from different Warmblood Studbooks, including BWP, KWPN, Hol- steiner, sBs and Selle Français. Stallion owners presented the stallions to the audience in-hand, although the majority were under saddle – dressage or jumping.

There was a good mix between older, proven stallions, stallions who are competing in sport and youngsters. It is difficult to mention only a few as I don’t want to sell any short, but I would like to highlight a moment between Diamant de Semilly (Le Tot de Semilly - Venise des Cresles x Elf III, bred by Jules Mesnildrey) and his son Diarado (out of Roxette I x Corrado I, Stamm 318D2, bred by Klaus Thingholm Kristensen). It was an unforgettable moment to see these two great stallions alongside each other in outdoor arena that was opened for this special meeting. Father and son reacted with interest to each other, although the handlers appeared a little tense! I witnessed Diarado becoming champion of the Holsteiner stallion approvals ten years ago. Since then, Diamant has survived three colic attacks, is now 26, and still as fresh as ever...