Home News flash Société Hippique Française coronavirus update

Société Hippique Française coronavirus update


The unprecedented health crisis situation that we are going through leads the Société Hippique Française (SHF – French Horse Society) to completely review its organization of the 2020 season. Currently, the SHF is actively working on adapting the calendar and qualification criteria for its four- to six-year-old classic cycle circuits (CIR) based on the resumption date for activities that remains uncertain.

For the showjumping and hunter series, a broad consultation with socio-professionals is underway to study two possible scenarios: Maintaining the existing dates of the Grande Semaine de Fontainebleau from August 28 to September 6, by organizing the CIR  between the end of July and the beginning of August. However, this option only seems realistic if the season reopens at the very latest in early June. The alternative would be to delay the date of the Grande Semaine de Fontainebleau from September 25 to October 4, and organization of the CIR between August and early September. A working group made up of regional SHF riders and members of the CSO (showjumping) commission met by conference call last Tuesday. The owners and breeders of young showjumping horses were consulted  by means of a survey.

Presidents and members of the technical committees representing the other disciplines have also been considering their options, including a possible displacement of dates for the national finals (CSO Ponies, CCE, Dressage), and rescheduling the largest events that have already been cancelled. In driving and endurance, no change of dates for the national finals have been planned, to date.

Finally, the qualification criteria for the showjumping, eventing, and dressage World Breeding Championships for Young Horses will be adapted according to the timeframe and dates for these events.