Home In previous issues Polish young horses dressage and eventing championships

Polish young horses dressage and eventing championships

Si Donna Deluxe with breeder/owner/rider Karolina Mazurek, rider Isabel Freese, Sławomir Piotrowski president of PZHK, Paulina Peckiel director of PZHK

By Ewa Pogodzinska / PZHK
Photography: Faraa

The Polish Young Horse Championships were held recently in Stragona Strzegom, and included classes for four- and five-year-old horses, similar to the MPMK jumping competitions, On this occasion they were judged by Poland’s Kartarzyna Konarska and foreign judge Tim Downs.

The competition in the four-year-old category, held under the patronage of the Institute of Animal Production – National Research Institute, was won by sp Neapol (Up to Date [KWPN] - Nektaria x Markies V [KWPN]), ridden by Michał Hycki and owned by eventing competitor Joanna Przybył. The bay gelding bred by the Starogard Gdaski Stallion Stud was one of the three dressage horses rated highest by the judges (7.9 points). He also obtained the highest marks in cross-country (17.2 points). This gave the pair such a large advantage that, despite only recording the third best mark for jumping (6.6 points), they won the MPMK eventing gold edal with an overall score of 31.7 points.

Neapol (Up to Date [KWPN] - Nektaria x Markies V [KWPN]), ridden by Michał Hyckisp

Second place went to Amaja (Asagao xx - Aisha x Karat) presented by Mateusz Kiempa (30.12 points). The breeder of this Trakehner mare is Monika Machlowicz-Wojsiat, and she is owned by Marta Wojsiat. The bronze medal was won by sp Horpuna (Calico [Holst] - Hrabianka x Corvallo [Holst]) ridden by Weronika Czarnecka (30 points). The breeder and owner of this bay mare is Artur Kiempa.
The Polish Association of Malopolska Horse Breeders funded a special event for the best horse of the Malopolska breed, which was awarded to Baszmir AA (Huncwot - Baszkiria x Emir) presented by Alina Mikołajczyk. Mariusz Kijek bred and owns this stallion.
Among the five-year-old horses, the lead in dressage (7.9 points) was taken by sp Ramanta (Diamant de Semilly [SF] - Rusłana x Canoso [Holst]) ridden by member of the Polish senior eventing team Mateusz Kiempa. The breeder of the gray mare is Władysław Łopuszyński, and the owner is Marek Wiraszka. Although Ramanta obtained the third highest result in cross-country, her best-rated jumping ensured her victory with an overall score of 31.1 points.

l-r: Sławomir Piotrowski president of PZHK, owner Marek Wiraszka, Ramanta and rider Mateusz Kiempa, judge Tim Downs, breeder Władysław Łopuszyski, judge Katarzyna Konarska

The silver medal was won by the sp mare Calmenia (Magnum vd Bisschop [BWP] - Calinka by Chacco-Fly [OS]). presented by Tadeusz Kozakiewicz (29.3 points). The dark bay mare, who received one of the best marks in cross-country (16.1 points), was bred by the Nowielice Stud and belongs to Sylwia Kozakiewicz... To read the complete article you need to be a subscriber