Home News flash Paul Schockemöhle rescues 80 Ukrainian women and children

Paul Schockemöhle rescues 80 Ukrainian women and children

Paul Schockemöhle

"The power of one," is a phrase regularly coined to demonstrate that one person is able to bring about change and promote good in the world. Paul Schockemöhle, founder and owner of one of the world's largest Warmblood studfarms, Gestüt Lewitz, has very recently demonstrated that one person can orchestrate a successful rescue mission when he helped evacuate 80 Ukrainian refugees from the Russian invasion.

Speaking to German newspaper Frankfurter Algemeine Zeiting, the 76-year-old explained that his organization had picked up 80 people from the Ukrainian-Polish border, "They are all women with relatively small children," who are currently being housed in a hotel in Neustadt-Giewe. As Schockemöhle explained, "They are giving us a special rate, but at the moment I'm paying for that," as well as footing the bill for food and transportation.

Schockemöhle's hope is that he will motivate and inspire others to help with the ever-worsening refugee situation: "Normally I wouldn't make such a big fuss, but I hope others will do the same."