Home News flash Oldenburg stallion prospects online now!

Oldenburg stallion prospects online now!


The colts that have been approved for the licensing are now being presented online on our webpage, together with photos and videos. Exquisite young stallions will be inspected closely under expert supervision at the Oldenburger stallion days from January 12 to 14 of January:


The Springpferdezuchtverband Oldenburg-International puts young, scopey colts with international pedigree in the ring. Furthermore, the top-class collection of dressage stallions captivates with high-end quality dancers. Some of the colts will also be available for sale during the stallion market on Saturday, January 14, 2023 at 1.00 p.m. (CET)

The collection of the licensing can be found at:


Photos and videos of the colts who were not approved for licensing can be purchased as from today at: www.old-art.de.