Home News flash New owners for the last DSP foals of 2020

New owners for the last DSP foals of 2020

Top price foal by Emerald van't Ruytershof

DSP (Deutsches Sportpferd) recently offered a final opportunity for buyers to purchase a 2021 foal during an online auction. It included seven foals that were being brought forward having not found new owners in past months, and all were sold.  

The two highest prices were for dressage foals, with Eragon GE (Emerald van het Ruytershof - Pandora GE x Blue Balou), bred by Steffen Jahns’ stud Elstertal in Berga-Elster, changing hands for €8,250 (US$9,572). And for €7,000 (US$8,122) Fürst Friedrich (Fürstenball - Dominanz x Quattro B), bred by Sandro Hauss (Diana Richter in Jessen), also found a new owner. Six of the foals will remain in Germany while one will be travelling across the world  to Australia.