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Latest auction results


The latest auction results have been added to the database:

2020-10-03 - SWB Elite jumping foals acution (SWE)
2020-10-06 - PS Online young jumpers auction Ankum (GER)
2020-10-05-KWPN online foals auction 6 (NED)
2020-10-04-Oldenbourg fall Elite foals auction (GER)
2020-10-03-Oldenbourg fall Elite auction (GER)
2020-10-04- Westfalen 60th Elite auction (GER)
2020-10-05 - Fences Online Elite foals auction (FRA)
2020-10-01-04 Fences Elite auction Bois le Roi (FRA)
2020-10-10 - Hannoverian 137th elite auction (GER)
2020-10-10-Horse sales finale edition (NED)
2020-10-12-KWPN online foals auction 8 (NED)
2020-10-10-Final foals auction Exloo (NED)
2020-10-12-BWP online foals auction (BEL)
2020-10-09- Flanders Embryos -auction-Norway (NOR)
2020-09-26 - Horseman Elite auction The special (NED)
2020-10-19 - Horseman Elite auction The special Edition 2 (NED)
2020-10-17- Trakehner stallion market auction (GER)
2020-10-22 - PS Online young dressage stallion auction Ankum (GER)
2020-10-17-Woodlands international sales (BEL)
2020-10-19-20 - Fences Online foals auction (FRA)
2020-10-12-13 - Fences Online young horses auction (FRA)
2020-10-26 - ET auction Dutch eventing edition (BEL)
2020-10-22-24 - Hannoverian stallion auction (GER)
2020-10-22-24 -  ESI auction cloud seven  (GER)
2020-10-28- Ekestrian Jumping elite online auction (FR)
2020-10-31 - Holstein stallion auction (GER)
2020-10-31 - Holstein sport horses auction (GER)
2020-10-22-25-Nash young horses auction (FRA)
2020-10-26 - Swedish select horse sales online auction (SWE)


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