Home In previous issues Herning 2017 attracts nearly 60,000 visitors

Herning 2017 attracts nearly 60,000 visitors

Herning’s main arena – the ‘Boxen’ – holds up to 9,000 specators Photo: Ridehesten.com

DENMARK (by Anne-Sofie Schou Munk) The Danish Warmblood stallion show alongside the Horse & Rider fair is better known as Herning Horse Show, and is one of the largest events of its kind anywhere in the world. This year was the 38th show, in the company of nearly 300 exhibitors and the traditionally packed audiences, numbering precisely 58,543. This was, in fact, slightly fewer than last year, but Anders Ladefoged Mortensen, project manager at Horse & Rider, extended a warm “thank you” to DWB for their long-time collaboration.

Mortensen added, "I welcome the positive feedback from both exhibitors and visitors, and we are grateful to our many passionate exhibitors who once again have taken the trouble to create an exciting show for the many visitors who attended Herning Horse Show”. He concluded by saying, “Danish Warmblood delivered a spectacular program, and we owe a big thank you to their employees and the many volunteers for once again raising Herning Horse Show to new heights.”

DWB jumpers on the rise!

At the Danish Warmblood stallion licensing, all approved stallions were presented in hand in the large Boxen arena for the judges to appoint the champions among the four-year-old and older stallions.

It is considered a ver y positive development that the showjumping stallions at the Danish Warmblood stallion licensing are predominantly Danish bred. Among the four-year-olds only one was German bred, and the championship title was awarded to Danish Warmblood stallion Frontier Ask (Favorit Ask - Charett Ask x Caretino). Bred by Stutteri Ask, he is a very modern and functional stallion who was also decorated with the honorable Elvin Rasmussen Challenge Trophy as best Danish-bred showjumping stallion with an approved performance test result. The judges praised Frontier Ask and described him as an elegant type with a masculine look, a very supple canter with good balance and self-carriage. A stallion who jumps with a very good technique and great courage...