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Education, networking, and friendship for JongKWPN

The YoungKWPN team at the World Championships Young breeders last year – l-r: Anniken, Niels, Nikki, Celine, Jeanine, Eline, Saffira, Vera, Nikki

By Jeanine Schoondermark / IYB
Photography: Clicks by Ilse, Jacky van Tartwijk, Anniek de Wit, Courtesy IYB

In July 2022, JongKWPN (Young KWPN) were proud to host the International Young Breeders WBFSH World Championship in Ermelo – an event of international allure with delegates representing 20 studbooks from around the world participating.

The Young KWPN program of activities is diverse and aims to provide a wealth of practical information, with the ultimate goal in mind of securing the future of KWPN horse breeding. Education is intended to contribute to increasing knowledge among its members about KWPN horses so they are able to breed the best-performing sport horses in the future. Another goal is to act as a springboard for members to positions of influence within the KWPN, for example as an inspector or on a board. Over the years the Young KWPN has grown in strength and participation and now comprises a network of over 600 members, and is accessible to every young horse lover in the Netherlands.

Edith van Oostrom
As a Young KWPN member, Edith van Oostrom shares her experiences: “Young KWPN organizes a lot of different activities, my favourite of which are the stable visits during which we watch and discuss many different horses. It’s very interesting to hear other opinions and visions. Most of all it is very educational to learn from other experienced breeders and stable owners. Another activity of great benefit is the gatherings where we speak about the conformation and movement traits of sport horses. Often, a KWPN inspector particpates, who guides these gatherings and teaches us about these subjects. This information helps me to have a much more critical eye on my own horses.

“Young KWPN also organizes horse presentation evenings where we learn how to present a horse in hand; of benefit, for example, at an inspection. Last summer my sister participated in the Young KWPN mare inspection with her four-year-old mare. In a regular KWPN inspection you will only receive the points and a very short explanation, but the judges at the Young KWPN insepction provided the participants with a lot of extra information. They take time to explain about the positive traits of the horse and the reasons for the scores. It’s also nice that the other participants are young and passionate people like us, which is also motivating and a great opportunity to form new connections... To read the complete article you need to be a subscriber