Home In previous issues DWB lines up 62 stallion prospects from pre-selection

DWB lines up 62 stallion prospects from pre-selection

Danish Warmblood pre-selections for the stallion licensing took place at no fewer than 37 different locations in order to meet the current ban on public gatherings, with a grand total of 62 colts selected for the licensing

By Thomas Bach Jensen / DWB
Photography: ridehesten.com

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the nationwide ban on public gatherings, Danish Warmblood has been compelled to change the format of the stallion pre-selections – which took place behind closed doors – prior to their annual stallion licensing

Under normal circumstances the pre-selections take place in December at two main locations, Vallensbæk on Seeland and Vilhelmsborg in Jutland, but this year they were held in January, in 37 different locations in order to comply with government ban on gatherings limited to a maximum of five people.
Naturally, it was a huge challenge but the pre-selections were, nonetheless, successfully and safely conducted, with a total of five colts bred for jumping, and 37 bred for dressage selected for the stallion licensing. Out of the total number of 62 selected stallion prospects, no fewer than 15 were purchased at Danish Warmblood foal auctions; 13 at the DWB Elite Foal Auction, one at the DWB Foal Auction North, and one at the DWB Foal Auction South – the latter two being regional sales. Among them is the dressage colt foal champion of 2018, Diaz Skovvang, by D’Avie.
What is particularly remarkable about this collection of stallion prospects is their mothers. Many of them are out of a dam that has already produced one or more licensed stallions or top sport horses, or is a top sport mare herself. The most successful international jumping mare in Denmark, Dublé (Diamant de Semilly x Equest Carnute) has a son by Zinedine selected for the licensing. While the two most successful DWB mares in international Grand Prix dressage, Heiline’s Danciera (Fürstenball x De Niro) and Fiontini (Fassbinder x Romanov), each have a younger half-brother selected for the licensing.
Cornet Obolensky has three sons forward for the licensing and stands out as the most represented sire in the collection of jumping stallions. Among the dressage stallions Franklin is the most notable sire with six sons. Revolution has five, while and Secret has three sons selected for the licensing.
Having hosted no fewer than 41 Danish Warmblood stallion licensings in Herning, the studbook has been forced to change location due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the ban on gatherings. Therefore, the 42nd Danish Warmblood stallion licensing is scheduled to take place at the national equestrian centre Vilhelmsborg which is also the headquarters for Danish Warmblood. The licensing will take place at the same time in March but will be spread over more days.
The final stallion collection will comprise 62 pre-selected individuals, including the many young stallions that have already been approved for breeding in foreign studbooks and have now entered the Danish Warmblood Stallion Licensing 2021.