Home News flash DSP ‘Summer Pleasures’ riding horse auction

DSP ‘Summer Pleasures’ riding horse auction

Lot #13 Dream Boy

The DSP riding horse collection with a total of 23 dressage and jumping horses between the ages of three and six (some of whom have already achieved sporting success) can be tested at Hofgut Kranichstein near Darmstadt up to and including Sunday, August 16, the auction day itself.

Horses can be tested either in the hall or in the outdoor arena at Kranichstein-Darmstadt's spacious facility, with beautiful grounds providing plenty of shade for potential buyers to relax and get to know a future four-legged partner in peace. A call to auction manager Fritz Fleischmann (Tel. +49 (0) 1 51/53 11 57 83) is all that's necessary to make an appointment.

The final presentation begins at 10 a.m. on Sunday, and at 3 p.m. the riding arena opens for the auction with Hendrik Schulze Rückamp at the podium. Due to the current situation, prior registration at e-mail info@deutsches-sportpferd.de is required to visit the auction in person.

Of course, no travelling is necessary as buyers can also bid from home by registering in advance: dsp.hsr-auktion.de. Then, on the day of the auction, all you need to do is log in and the technology will be up and running so you can follow the auctioneer and 'live' streaming of the horses in the arena.

Further information on the collection and the auction: www.deutsches-sportpferd.de