Home In previous issues Dressage young horse French champions crowned

Dressage young horse French champions crowned

Six-year-old dressage champion, Portuguese Sport Horse James Bond de Massa (Bravour B/aka Bon Bravour [KWPN] - Xixirita [PRT] x Xaquiro CIP [PRT]), bred by Sylvain Massa, ridden by Arnaud Serre * PRT = part-bred Lusitano

By Press Release / Jean Llewelly
Photography: Les Garennes

Having accommodated a change of dates due to coronavirus, the two-week event, will conclude with the national showjumping finals that run from September 29 to October 4 in Fontainebleau.
Statistically, the dressage competetion saw an overall increase in entries from 2019, especially in the two older age-groups:
4yo: 31 (2020) 39 (2019)
5yo: 30 (2020) 18 (2019)
6yo: 15 (2020) 12 (2019)
In total, between the discplines, 2020 will see 841 entries, against 875 in 2019.

Five-year-old dressage champion Djembé de Hus (Damon Hill [Westf] - Elfe/aka Australia x Argentinus [Hann]) bred by Xavier Marie, ridden by Jessica Michel-Botton