Home News flash December 14-15: Selle Français young stallion licensing

December 14-15: Selle Français young stallion licensing


In under two weeks the 'J' generation of males will pass before the test experts, followed by the 'K' males presented to SF judges. This follows one month of nationwide travel to characterize and select candidates who may become the newly approved SF stallions, providing young genetics and the sires of tomorrow. These events close the season for the SF studbook but are, above all, a springboard for the future and a breeding stage that feeds the minds and decisions of breeders and/or owners.

This December meeting also provides a valuable SF information vector through a symposium scheduled for the evening of December 14, wherein the studbook commits itself to raising awareness among professionals on current topics. Presentations will include Anne Ricard on sporting longevity, alongside Manuel Godin, Éric Livenais and André Audinot on the training and education of young horses which are interesting themes for breeders everywhere.

The breeding industry is being followed, watched and observed, by the media, networks, broadcasts, everything that is instantly accessible so it's essential that we remain vigilant and explain how and why we ask our horses to perform; how and why we use a particular training method for the well-being and safety of men and horses.We are the actors of the future of our sector; and it's vital that the general public understand the horses' place in our societies.

(Extracted from an editorial written by SF President Pascal Cadiou)