By Roberta Milani (translated by Caroline Padilla)
Photography: Isabella Campedelli and Gabriele Lutz
The national breeding championship demonstrated grit, technical skills, and versatility in leading the Brazilian Amateur Championship from beginning to end, when Sociedade Hípica de Brasília’s (DF) grass course received 144 combinations from seven different states to dispute various amateur categories for the Brazilian Showjumping Championship.
These categories included: Amateur B (1m00), Amateur A (1m10), and Amateur Top (1m30). Courses were designed by Sérgio Villela Villaça Freitas, from Minas Gerais. Most athletes were riding Brazilian Sport Horses in all categories, when national breeding conquered the gold medal winning jump-offs.

The Amateur B competition, with 1m05 obstacles, saw seven pairs with zero faults throughout the championship. Gabriel Ruan Chaves maintained a good performance aboard Cascharella JMen (Cartoon J Men x Carthago Z) and won the third competition of the weekend. They took home the 2021 Amateur B Brazilian Championship title, with the time 27s36, ahead of Letícia Lima riding Curae Med Calida Z, also with zero in the tiebreaker: 29s98. Bronze went to Elisa Grillo and Kiss and Fly G (Kannan x Singulord Joter), at 32s84.

Nathana Calil aboard Cehjur High Light (Harley VDL x Mon Cheri) was crowned champion of Amateur A category, at 29s85. Rafaella Muller, from Brasília, riding SL Igor (Vindoctro x Weissgold), won the silver medal in 30s25. Disputing the bronze medal were nine pairs with four faults apiece, each progressing to a tiebreaker to record zero faults. The medal went to Renata Rios aboard SL Bigo, a son of SL Baluarte, in the fastest time of 27s26.
The Amateur category with 1m25 obstacles saw three pairs in a thrilling tiebreaker on the last day of competition, with the gold medal going to Maria Fernanda Trabulsi riding Carthano JMen (Chileno Jmen x Acorado), with zero faults: 31s15. Seasoned rider Geraldo Lemos rode Czar Virgolino (Carbacan Jmen), for the silver medal, clear in the jump-off in 31s57, ahead of Lieutenant Danilo Augusto Machado with Torpedo do Rincão (Cantona x Barao M.E.), taking bronze with one time fault in 30s10.
As for Amateur Top, Marco Antônio Modesto Filho and the mare Chevaux Zorrera 3K (Zirocco Blue VDL x Silverstone), won the tiebreaker with a clear round, in 35s33, with silver going to Gustavo Mourão, riding Mourão Horses Legendary JMen (Laeken Jmen (Ia) x Pit II Jmen) in 36s58. One more Brazilian Sport Horse was among medalists: Chevaux Condoctro Tw (Indoctro x Concorde), ridden by Roberta Alfinito Barcha.