Home Auctions Auction update March

Auction update March


At the end of March there is no change at the top of the stallion rankings, Arezzo Z stillleading with a total sales value of €919,510 from just three sales.

Chacco-Blue is however closing the gap now standing at €854,200 but having sired much higher number of sales, 44. It is interesting to note that 36 of these saes are embryos.

Diamant de Semilly is in third with a total sales value of €685,150, closely followed by Dominator on €665,240

(Note - all prices converted to € when sales in other currencies)

See the results of auctions at https://breedingnews.com/auction-results-2023-2/

(Please note that we include as many auctions as possible but not all auction houses make their results public)