DENMARK – According to well-known Danish breeder Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen, his pas- sion for horses began at a very young age and became the driving force behind the foundation of Stutteri Ask and Blue Hors, focusing on showjumping and dressage breeding respectively. He was, in fact, only 11 years old when he enrolled in a riding camp being run by the Danish professional trainer and very down-to-earth Gustav Martens.
“I have ridden since 1959, but it was the years from 1964 to 1970/1971 that, in addition to daily riding, I experienced the pure joy of good lessons and riding fun. Horses cemented a place in my heart during those years, and my interest in horses and a lot of my knowledge is, in a large part, attributable to Gustav Martens, who remained a good friend of mine until his death. The years I’ve spent with horses have also shown me how much they can have a positive educational effect on young people. In actual fact, horses provide a certain upbringing, while you yourself are responsible for educating them. It is incredibly healthy.”
“Dad, can I have a pony?”
After graduating, Kjeld Kirk and his wife Camilla moved to Switzerland where they lived for a number of years. It was only after they had moved back home to Billund that Kirk’s interest in horses was re-awoken, and it was due to the couple’s eldest daughter, Sofie, who told her dad that she would like to get a pony. “And, of course, she got a pony with our complete support.”...