Home In previous issues KWPN Stallion Show: Confidence ahead of performance test

KWPN Stallion Show: Confidence ahead of performance test

Crowd pleaser, L’Avenir – from excellent origins – a grandson of widely acclaimed sport mare Weihegold, winner of 2019 World Cup with Isabel Werth

By Jenneke Smit / KWPN
Photography: Dirk Caremans, Jacob Melissen

The stallion selection committee have plenty of reasons to look forward to the upcoming performance tests having already performed a strict selection based on type, movement, athletic ability, and pedigree.

It resulted in the appointment of 33 interesting dressage stallions, that combine performance and predicates in their pedigree, and also convinced the jury through their own abilities. An interesting group of 50 jumper stallions passed the first stage of the stallion selection with flying colours. Seven of the finest dressage stallions received a premium in Den Bosch and an equal number of jumper stallions was awarded these top honours.
The stallion selection committee dressage, composed of chairman Bert Rutten, Johan Hamminga and Wouter Plaizier, was presented with 76 stallions in the second round viewing – 33 of which were granted an invite to the performance test. Out of the first crop of Le Formidable and double world champion Kjento, respectively, four and three sons got appointed. Glock’s Toto Jr. also left his mark with four sons, while world champion Glamourdale sires three stallions that may advance to the performance test.

Most complete

In terms of numbers, the total of 33 appointed stallions does not make it the most prolific year, nevertheless it seems to be a good year when you look at the quality. The seven premium stallions symbolize that, according to chairman Bert Rutten. “We are very pleased with the group of stallions we could select for the performance test. We were able to stay the course and were surely not influenced by numbers. The selected stallions all made a good impression, moved with elasticity, having an uphill tendency, and generally boasted a well-developed and appealing conformation,” Bert Rutten subsequently shares. “The seven premium stallions each convinced us with their type, pedigree, and movements. All of them left a lasting impression. In general, we were able to appoint stallions whose dam lines brim with performance. We notice an upward trend in that area, and we believe it to be a positive development. Everything is hereditary and the more quality and talent a horse has by nature, the better he can pass that on to his offspring.” In the presentation of the premium stallions Powered by Catering Culinair, the breeders of six KWPN-registered stallions were handed a cheque for €750 , provided by the Friends of the KWPN.

Premium stallions

Bred by Steven Dewulf, Unedo van de Vondel (Conthargos) is a grandson of 1m60 mare Calleryana and was premium awarded

The strongly built, expressive Perle (Kjento - Colinda ster pref PROK x Tuschinski) of breeders Jelke and Linda Heida of Oldeholtpade and co-registered to Van Olst Horses, is one of the premium stallions that impressed in every aspect. His dam is a half-sister of the Small Tour horse Harmony’s Wamberto (Rousseau), the 2006 stallion show champion that was also bred by Jelke and Linda Heida. Granddam Olinda (Voltaire) furthermore gave these breeders the international Grand Prix horse Witschge (Ferro) of Kebie van der Heijen... To read the complete article you need to be a subscriber