Home Auctions Good kick-off at season’s first DWB foal auction

Good kick-off at season’s first DWB foal auction


By Thomas Bach Jensen / DWB
Photography: Ridehesten.com

Danish Warmblood’s first foal auction of this year was held at Blue Hors when 17 quality foals went under the hammer. No few than 16 foals changed ownership for an average price of €15,000 with the price-highlight heading for a future in Germany.

With 94% of foals sold during this Danish Warmblood hybrid auction – combining online bidders and those present in the arena – half were purchased by Danish buyers, while the other half sold abroad to buyers from Germany, Norway, Spain, Sweden, and the USA.
The auction’s price-highlight was the super, well-moving filly Livia (Vitalis x Fürst Romancier x Blue Hors Zack), bred by successful breeders Lena and Ulrik Kristensen. She entered the ring with an online bid of €8,500 and left with the knockdown price of €30,500 going to the Germany. “I must say that I am more than happy with the sale,” breeder Ulrik Kristensen said.
The colt foal to achieve the highest bid was Ribjergs Special Select (Secret x Chopin Dane x Attention,) bred by Anette R. Pedersen and Claus Nielsen. He was sold for €25,000 to Anne Lyngbye and Per Skjærbæk, who also purchased the filly Abkærs Vitalina. Among the clients were both first-time buyers and several return buyers, such as Kristin G. Andresen who secured two foals for Norway.
The auction committee were more than happy with the result and were particularly happy to have sold so many of the breeders’ foals.

According to Louise Ringsbo from the auction committee: “It has been great to be able to present some of the breeders’ best foals again and we could not have wished for better facilities than here at Blue Hors. Our hybrid set-up enables us to reach new clients abroad, and it has been a great pleasure to see so many super foals change hands.”