Home News flash Zack: Out of breeding service for 2020

Zack: Out of breeding service for 2020

Daniel Bachmann Andersen (DEN) riding Blue Hors Zack (FEI/ Ridehesten.com/Kristine Ulsø Olsen)

It has been announced that Blue Hors Zack will not be available for the 2020 breeding season as he is a member of the national dressage team and, therefore, one of the Danish candidates for the Tokyo Olympic Games.

Danish team rider Daniel Bachmann Andersen has another top horse in the line-up for Olympic selection alongside Zack – his son, Blue Hors Zepter – for whom the best sporting conditions will be made available. In a statement, Blue Hors breeding manager Martin Klavsen said, "From a horse welfare perspective, we at Blue Hors believe that it will be for the benefit of Zack not having to put his efforts into the breeding season, whilst at the same time, he is in full training with the focus to represent Denmark at the Olympics." In breeding terms, Zack is strongly represented on the Blue Hors stallion roster by two other magnificent sons: Blue Hors Zackerey, ridden by Daniel Bachmann Andersen, as well as Blue Hors Zackorado.

"As my two top horses, Blue Hors Zack and Blue Hors Zepter are evidently both my Olympic hopes this year.  It is impossible to foresee which of the two will come into play for Tokyo, but we believe that the best we can do for Zack is to free him from breeding duties in order to be able to fully focus on the sport," Bachmann Andersen said about his  16-year-old partner, Blue Hors Zack, who is Danish dressage champion, World Cup finalist and qualifier winner, as well as a European and world championship finalist.