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Writing history in Herning

The DWB breeding committee look forward to inspecting many promising young stallions

By Thomas Bach Jensen/DWB
Photography: Ridehesten.com

The 40th anniversary of the Danish Warmblood stallion licensing in MCH Messecenter Herning will be a big celebration taking place 6-10 March 2019. As soon as you arrive at the Danish Warmblood stallion licensing, it’s 40th anniversary will be immediately apparent. Among many new initiatives you will notice the Stallion Licensing Museum which leads you through the period 1980 - 2019.

This offers the joy of time travel through the stallion licensing, accompanied by visual experiences in the form of photos, videos and item exhibits, such as gala costumes, challenge trophies and much more. A remarkable journey from black and white photos to computer-animated effects.
Catherine Dufour

Throughout the 40 years of the stallion licensing, young stallions have taken their first steps in the spotlight, some have been celebrated as premium stallions, while others have been decorated with the challenge trophies. Annually since 1998, a stallion has been appointed as Danish Warmblood’s ‘stallion of the year’, and each year they have been immortalized with an oil painting. In Herning the paintings of the first 21 title winners will be exhibited for the world to see, as easels holding the stallion portraits will form a Walk of Fame avenue during he stallion licensing. Similarly, the  names of the most prominent breeding stallions and sport horses will have their names engraved in a star in the floor, says director Casper Cassøe Krüth.

Record-breaking ticket sale

Already last autumn the tickets sales for the Danish Warmblood stallion licensing exploded, and in early 2019 it has been confirmed that ticket sales are more than 30% ahead of usual by this same time. This is a very promising trend for the event's 40th anniversary.
This year, an extra row of seats will be set up in front of the grandstand in the Boxen, where the arena has been extended to accommodate two additional grandstand wings, plus the VIP area has been expanded by an additional 11 tables, making a total of 171 VIP tables – welcoming some 1,300 guests to the Gala Show.

For over two months there have been no tickets available on the lower grandstand, and tickets for the Gala Show have also sold particularly well...CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE TO BREEDING NEWS


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