Home News flash Westfalian Stallion Licensing: November 21-24

Westfalian Stallion Licensing: November 21-24


A collection of some 90 highly talented stallion prospects will be presented at the Westfalian Horse Centre in Münster-Handorf from November 21-24.

Like last year, the licensing days will start on Sunday, November 21, when the dressage stallions are presented on the triangle, followed by presentation on the lunge later in the day.  On Monday, the same stallions will be presented at liberty, before being auctioned starting ay 6:00 p.m.

The jumping stallion licensing begins on Tuesday, November 23, also on the triangle, followed by free jumping from midday. A second free jumping takes place on Wednesday morning,November 24.  The auction will take place in the afternoon, after the licensing decisions have been announced

. A detailed schedule is available at westfalenpferde.de. The stallion sales will take place in the form of an OnLive auction. The collection with photos and videos as well as all relevant information is available at onlineauction.westfalenpferde.de.

Unlike last year, spectators are once again welcome on the grounds at the Westfalian Hores Center. Tickets can be ordered directly at the Westfälisches Pferdestammbuch. Those who cannot experience the licensing days on site in Münster-Handorf can follow the entire event live at ClipMyHorse.TV and via westfalenpferde.de.