Home News flash WBFSH foal weaning webinar – less than one week to go…

WBFSH foal weaning webinar – less than one week to go…


When is the preferable time to wean a foal? Which weaning technique is the best option to prevent stress? What are the impacts of weaning on the foal? What factors must be taken into account? What would be the best practice to improve the foal’s welfare during such a key moment in their life?


The horse’s weaning experience will be discussed as a significant part of the process of ‘setting horses up for success’ using the latest research to consider the issues that might influence learning and development later in life. The focus will be on “A Good Life for Horses”, in line with the Vision proposed by the Equine Ethics and Wellbeing Commission to the FEI, for maintaining the Social Licence to Operate (SLO).
Prof. Natalie Kay Waran
“An applied scientist by training and an educationalist at heart”, Professor Natalie 'Nat' Waran is Executive Dean at the Faculty of Education, Humanities and Health Science (Te Manga Kaupapa Mātauranga, Ahurea, Hauora) in New Zealand.
Nat led a number of strategic projects in her most recent role as a professor and inaugural director of the new International Centre for Animal Welfare Education at the University of Edinburgh, one of the UK’s leading universities. From 2006 to 2011, she was Associate Dean (Research) at Unitec’s Faculty of Social and Health Sciences in tandem with her role as Head of the School of Natural Sciences.
With a first class zoology degree from Glasgow University and a PhD from Cambridge University, she has worked in many different countries including China, India, Malaysia, Singapore, and Hong Kong. She is also the chair of the FEI Equine Ethics and Well-Being Commission.