Home News flash Vechta 3rd Oldenburger Special Edition Auction

Vechta 3rd Oldenburger Special Edition Auction


Vechta opens its treasure chest: The elite foal collection of the 3rd Oldenburger Special Edition will inspire buyers with Oldenburg's best young talents for dressage and showjumping. Browse through the new collection and see for yourself.

The elite collection shines with the highlights of the current foal year: Star sires such as Bonds, Benicio, Fürstenball, Morricone I, Asgard's Ibiza and Zackerey paired with unique dam lines present their offspring in the auction ring at Vechta.

The jumping arena will similarly present very interesting pedigrees with top-class sires: International stallions such as Chacco-Blue, Don VHP Z, Comme il faut, Taloubet Z, Conthargos or Lord Pezi will be represented by their offspring in Vechta – an opportunity to secure an Oldenburg sporting star of tomorrow.

In the auction area of ​​the Oldenburg website, the elite foals are presented with photos, videos and detailed descriptions. Our team will be happy to advise you on the right selection.

It is still unclear whether we can celebrate our auction here at the Oldenburg Horse Center Vechta or whether it will become an online auction again. That is why you will also find two schedules and auction conditions here, which are tailored to both auction variants.

Print catalogues may be ordered through the Vechta Auction Office.
