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The Grand Finale in Herning

The showjumping colts are predominantly Danish-bred like this youngster by Cornettino Ask x Ci Ci Senjor Ask

By Thomas Bach Jensen
Photography: Ridehesten.com

Every year in March the Danish Warmblood stallion licensing in Herning becomes the grand finale of the licensing season as many of the best colts from the foreign licensings are purchased by Danes, and the forthcoming licensing will be no exception. At the pre-selection in December, 50 colts were selected for Herning, and together with around 20 young stallions already approved abroad and purchased by Danish stallion keepers, they will comprise the complete collection of Danish Warmblood stallions at the Herning licensing that takes place in week 10 every year: With this year’s dates being March 6-10, 2019.

Of the 50 pre-selected colts, 20 are showjumpers (40%) and 30 are dressage colts (60%). It is estimated that 30% of the Danish Warmblood population ia showjumping horses and 70% dressage horses.

Through the eye of a needle

Spokesman for the Danish Warmblood licensing committee, Claus Hansen claims that the judges are very content with the youngsters they have been presented with at the pre-selections. The overall quality is high, and it is obvious that the breeders and stallion owners already have made a thorough selection at home.
“The quality of the presented colts is of such high level that we can make demands on all parameters such as pedigree, type, stallion look and functionality. Therefore, I find it important to stress that the colts that we have selected for Herning have already passed through a narrow eye of a needle”, Hansen said.
We are dealing with a small crop of colts from 2016, and therefore the licensing committee appreciates that most individuals represented consolidated dam lines and interesting combinations of bloodlines and with a sufficient genetic variety, even amongst the dressage colts...CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE TO BREEDING NEWSSUBSCRIBERS CAN READ THE COMPLETE ARTICLE BY LOGGING IN AND RETURNING TO THIS PAGE