Home News flash The 6th Oldenburg Special Edition online auction

The 6th Oldenburg Special Edition online auction


The 6th Oldenburg Special Edition will delight online from December 2-4 with enchanting sport partners and, for the first time, a quintet of first-class and strong-moving young stallions.

The collection has now been posted on the Internet in the auction area of the Oldenburg website for you to inspect. Excellent dressage horses and showjumpers to brighten your days, with experienced athletes or highly promising youngsters, just before Christmas at the Oldenburg Horse Center Vechta.

Also, for the first time, you will have the opportunity to secure a promising young stallion, with two-year-olds by Jovian, Vitalis, Asgard's Ibiza, Erdinger and Fürstenball.

Bidding starts online on Thursday, December 2, at 6:00 p.m. (CET) and concludes 48 hours later.

Horses may be tried at the Oldenburg Horse Center Vechta from November 25. An online presentation of the winter collection will be given on Friday, December 3, starting at 6:00 p.m on our homepage and www.clipmyhorse.tv.

The 6th Oldenburger Special Edition collection: https://auktion.oldenburger-pferde.com/en/objekte/au-15/6_oldenburger_special_edition?Lstatus=0

You can also order a printed catalogue from the Auction Office Vechta.

Consulting and customer service:

Dressage horses:
Thomas Rhinow: +49(0)172-9748487 or rhinow.thomas@oldenburger-pferde.com
Daniel Pophanken: +49(0)175-2930926 or pophanken.daniel@oldenburger-pferde.com
Manuel Springhetti: +49(0)170-7093018 or springhetti.manuel@oldenburger-pferde.com

Show jumpers:
Philip Bölle: +49(0)171-1893792 or boelle.philip@oldenburger-pferde.com
Benjamin Stratmann: +49(0)151-54408395 or stratmann.benjamin@oldenburger-pferde.com

General information/catalogue orders:

Auction Office Vechta:
Elisabeth Gerberding: +49(0)4441-935512 or gerberding.elisabeth@oldenburger-pferde.com
Heike Arends: +49(0)4441-935531 or arends.heike@oldenburger-pferde.com