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Sun, samba and sport horses for WBFSH


BRAZIL (by Celia Clarke) When it was announced at the end of the 2013 WBFSH General Assembly in Poland that the 2014 event would tale place in Sao Paulo, Brazil, it would be an understatement to say that the news was greeted with a considerable lack of enthusiasm. To fly several thousand miles to sit in a hot conference room in a hotel in a city with a poor reputation for personal safety was -- to even the most ardent WBFSH supporter -- not the most enjoyable prospect.

Presidents of the ABCCH (left) and WBFSH (right) Henrique Foroni and Jan Pedersen
Presidents of the ABCCH (left) and WBFSH (right) Henrique Foroni and Jan Pedersen

Even the promise by Luiz Rocco, representative of the Associado Brazileira de Cri- adores do Cavalo de Hip- ismo (ABCCH) that we would all have a great time in the Brazilian sun was viewed with considerable scepticism, and very few studbook representatives left Warsaw vow- ing to ‘see you at next year’s general assembly.’ But it was wrong to be dismissive of ABCCH’s promises. Cer- tainly as far as activities go, this was one of the best gen- eral assemblies, and the hos- pitality of the official hosts was almost boundless. From the now almost legendary appearance of the samba girls and drumming band at the Brasliero de Hipismo Festival on the Sunday be- fore the assembly started (and which raised the naturally rather serious and in- tense programme of the national young horse showjumping champi- onships to a major cultural and social event), to the gala evening of racing at the São Paulo Jockey Club – includ- ing a race being sponsored in the name of the WBFSH (surely a first!) – and a su- perb city tour on the final day, ensured that ever yone returned home with fond memories of the Brazilians, their culture and their horses. Well done ABCCH...