Auctions: An ever-increasing trend
INTERNATIONAL (by Aurélie Covini) The supply of horses for auction continues to grow, thanks to various online platforms that now offer sales very regularly....
High standard for HSI
IRELAND (by Susan Finnerty) Nine years after Horse Sport Ireland (HSI) introduced their continental-style stallion inspections, the consensus was that this year’s inspections yielded...
Good notes for German sport tests
GERMANY(by Adriana van Tilburg) Two years ago, the German Federation (FN) initiated a new performance test – an event taking place over three days...
Strong sBs damlines at selection show
BELGIUM(by Jo de Roo) This year saw a record number of candidates inscribed to participate at the BWP as well as the Studbook Zangersheide...
New stallion collection for SWB
SWEDEN (by Hillevi Brasch) During an unusually cold and snow-white first week of March, close to 50 stallions showed up for the stallion performance...
New Zealand’s HOY
NEW ZEALAND (by Sally Reid) Although it doesn’t mark the end of the competition season, New Zealand’s Horse of the Year Show is considered...