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Strong sBs damlines at selection show


BELGIUM(by Jo de Roo) This year saw a record number of candidates inscribed to participate at the BWP as well as the Studbook Zangersheide stallion approvals, respectively, 140 and 118 candidates. From March 10-11, the sBs stallion approval took place. Unfortunately for this smaller studbook, ranked a very creditable third in the WBFSH studbook ranking of showjumpers, the organisers couldn’t talk about a record. On the contrary! They could only welcome some 40 candidates, whereas eight or nine years ago they counted double this volume, or even more.

The jury, consisting of Daniël Maillart, Jacques Fraselle and Luc Tilleman, approved 21 stallions, amongst them 17 in the option showjumping (including two ponies), three dressage stallions, plus one stallion in the option eventing. The jury approved more than 50 percent of the presented stallions, which is considered quite a lot.

On the first morning, March 10, candidates were evaluated on conformation and movements. After witnessing this part of the programme there was some consternation as a number of stallions received conformation comments about the quality of their legs, insufficient expression... Also, for movement, we saw ‘too little elasticity’, ‘not enough impulsion from the hindquarters’ etc. During the first afternoon, dressage candidates were assessed at liberty in the arena, while the showjumping candidates were seen free jumping. At the end of the day, we were happy because we saw several good dressage stallions and some outstanding showjumpers.

Top supplier, Balou du Rouet

Three stallions were each represented by two or more sons. Balou du Rouet, number nine in the WBFSH sire ranking of the best suppliers of showjumpers, had three sons participating in this stal- lion approval. Kaiser van het Lambroeck and Vigo d’Arsouilles both had two sons, although none of them were approved. On the other hand, they approved two sons of Balou du Rouet, namely Jeuzolympix des Simes (bred by Jennifer Vanheyste out of a daughter of Arko III) and Jasco du Bourbecq (bred by Benoit Devillers out of a daughter of Orlando). Baloubet du Rouet, ranked eighth in the WBFSH-sire ranking, also put his stamp on the stallion approval, not only via his son Balou du Rouet. Baloubet, himself, had one son amongst the candidates: Jaloubet des Peupliers, born out of Image Platière (Verdi - Sophia Platière x Grand Veneur, bred by Christian Meunier). Jaloubet belongs to a very strong performance dam line, including stars like Popstar Lozonais, USA de Riverland, Eros Platière, Van Schijndels Lys Platière, Gentleman, Micko and Numidor Platière. Jaloubet was approved by the jury...