Home News flash Shining five-star mare, and convincing Equador

Shining five-star mare, and convincing Equador

Equador shown by João Miguel Torrao (C.v.A.)

Sweden's Patrik Kittel and his 13-year-old mare Well Done de la Roche (Fürstentraum - Washari x Walt Disney I, breeder Dauphin Muriël and Trembley Francoise) celebrated vbictory in both the five-star GP (78.065%) and the Freestyle (81.455%) in the Compiègne CDI. Also flying the flag for Scandinavia, Carlina Cassoe Kruth of Denmark rode the 10-year-old mare, Heiline's Danciera (Fürstenball - Danceline TS x De Niro, breeder Stald Heiline) into the runners-up spot (77.000%).

Following a costly mistake in the GP, the 12-year old Lusitano stallion Equador (Quo Vadis x Hostil) shown by João Miguel Torrao (POR) performed a super Grand Prix Freestyle which resulted in a personal record score of 77.490% for second place. Noteworthy were his total relaxation in all movements, his flowing transitions,  and the piaffe/passage.
