Home News flash Selle Français championship sales

Selle Français championship sales


As announced earlier this year, the Selle Français studbook intends to develop marketing assistance for breeders who are participating in championship qualifiers, so having organized the online sale at the stallion final last February, other dates are being scheduled from September onwards.

• Foals during the Normandie Horse Show in Saint-Lô: September 4/5

• Two- and three-year-old females during the Grande Semaine de Fontainebleau: early October

• The eventing oriented circuit during the Mondial du Lion: October 15-18

• The sport circuit for three-year-old jumpers at Equita Lyon, Lyon, October 28/29

These four championships are reserved for members of the Selle Français studbook.

Selection work is being carried out regionally with local associations, and thanks to a network of judges distributed throughout the country that identify the best subjects in the four-year-old championship races. These gatherings are to benefit breeders and provide promotional and marketing support. The 'selection experts', are judges who are trained to uphold the expectations of the Studbook in accordance with the criteria of its breeding programme. In other words, horses produced by Selle Français breeders must conform to the market for which they were bred. It's these factors – selection and marketing – that provides a quality service for both breeders and also potential buyers. The transparency of information such as the display of 'live' marks and broadcasting, access of zootechnical data from the Selle Français studbook, pedigrees, maternal line values, etc., is paramount.

These 'live' fall sales from the Selle Français Championships will begin in September, and the first catalogue will be online in early August with the entries.


Bérengère Lacroix – berengere.lacroix@sellefrancais.fr – +33 (0)7 63 84 96 73

Laure Bertrand – laure.bertrand@sellefrancais.fr – +33 (0)6 77 32 16 45