Home In previous issues SBS International Stallion Show will welcome 64 candidates

SBS International Stallion Show will welcome 64 candidates


By Christine Rasir / SBS

The official SBS stallion expertise, better known as the International Selection Show, will take place on March 5/6 in Gesves, Belgium. Following the cancellation of the 2021 edition, this key event for breeders has this year reached a record number of entries: 64 stallion candidates will be presented to the jury, divided into three categories, jumping, dressage, and driving.

While this 2022 edition will be held behind closed doors, it will be live-streamed on our studbook website, and on ClipMyHorse.
During early preparation for the International Selection Show 2022, the SBS Studbook was not yet aware of any sanitary conditions that might prevail on March 5/6. Hence, to limit the number of attendees gathered together at the same time at the Provincial Breeding and Horse Riding school of Gesves, it was decided that the event would be held behind closed doors, without an audience, and that the breeders would show their stallions exclusively by appointment.
Likewise, only stallion presenters and their accompaniers will be admitted, called according to the schedule. All precautions have also been taken with regards to equine rhinopneumonitis (mandatory vaccination). The whole event, as well as the proclamation of the new approved stallions, will be broadcast live on our website www.sbsnet.be, on our Facebook page, and on www.clipmyhorse.be
Despite the unpredictable evolution of sanitary norms, the preparatory work for the International Selection Show 2022 – veterinary examinations at the Equine Clinic of the University of Liège and the Veterinary Faculty of the University of Ghent, the selection of the Inter-Faculty Veterinary Commission and the SBS Judges' Commission – was carried out with the same rigor.
With the 2021 expertise having been cancelled, the International Selection Show 2022 will be open to discover an exclusive collection, gathering together two successive generations of stallion candidates. The list with the 64 candidates was published in the central pages of our bimonthly The Belgian Sport Horse on March 1, 2022, and a QR code displayed next to individual stallions allowing free access to the complete digital catalog. This digital catalog will also be available in its entirety on our website www.sbsnet.be
There is a great deal about which we can be optimistic: The list of stallion candidates with prestigious origins is of very high quality. The dressage discipline is well represented, and for the first time we have the pleasure to welcome a candidate in driving.

Facts and figures

• 54 Jumping candidates
• 9 Dressagecandidates
• 1 Driving pony candidate
• 27 three-year-old candidates
• 27 four-year-old candidates
• 8 five-year-old candidates
• 1 seven-year-old candidate
• 1 11-year-old candidate

The 2022 schedule

• Saturday, March 5
9:00 a.m. Three- and four-year-olds (jumping and dressage), conformation and movement in hand, followed by free movement.
• Sundy, March 6
9:00 a.m. Four-year-olds and older candidates (jumping and dressage), conformation and movement in hand.
11:30 a.m. Four-year-old stallion candidate conform-ation and movement in hand, plus presentation in harness
12:00 p.m. Four-year-olds and older candidates’ dressage test
1:30 p.m. Four-year-olds and older candidates’ jumping test
Followed by the announcement of the newly approved stallions. n

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